The story follows two unconventional friends turned roommates: the neat, uptight Felix Ungar and the slovenly, easy going Oscar Madison.
We see how the usually uneventful boys' poker night with Speed, Vinnie, Roy and Murray turns out, and just what not to do on a double date with two English sisters, Cecily and Gwendolen.
But can this Odd Couple live happily ever after together?
The show was performed by the Belfrey Theatre, Wellington, Shropshire
from 18th to 20th April 2024
Photos courtesy of Ali & Joe Maclean plus Society members.
Production Team:
Directed by - Laura Delves & Brian Hughes
Scenery - Ben Branson
Props - Laura Delves
Costumes - Hebe Whitehead
Sound & Lights - Brian Hughes & Laura Delves
Programmes - Heather Foster
Box Office - Ali Maclean
Theatre Manager - Joe Maclean
Front of House Manager - Clare Foster
Publicity - Kay Britton, Ben Branson, Tom Eidrys-Tuite, Heather Foster
Oscar - Dave Whyte
Felix - John Britton
Vinnie - Simon Phillips
Murray - Kevin Hughes
Roy - Andy Reed
Speed - Laura Delves
Gwendolyn - Kay Britton
Cecily - Emma Patterson-Stephens